Conscious and Curious Grieving

Are you grappling with a loss?

Do you feel stuck, confused and unsupported?

There is a way to craft your unique path forward to integration.

If we can stay conscious to the emotions, denying none, we don’t get stuck.

If we can stay curious, about what is next, what is possible, what tools and support we need, we can keep moving.

That’s conscious and curious grieving.

Suzanne can help you.

In one-on-one coaching programs, Suzanne will support you to move from stuck to motion as you create your unique path to integration. She’ll support you to name your emotions and become deeply connected to and conscious of them. She’ll help you be curious about how to navigate what is real and what baby step you could take. You’ll go from overwhelmed to aware and from isolation to connection.

It is possible to find your way. Suzanne can help you.

Grief is a devastating experience…

It is full of confusion, despair, and isolation. When we understand that what is happening to us is normal and give ourselves permission to allow the whole experience to be okay, we can minimize the worry that so often overlies the other emotions. By facing grief head on, we allow ourselves to move towards integration. That’s the goal. We are not leaving anyone behind or getting over anything. We do not need fixing. We need to get to the place where we think of our loved one with more love than pain. Where we carry them with us in the day to day and on special occasions. Where we talk about them freely with people who are safe.

If your loss and grief are not related to the death of a loved one, it is no less real. Sometimes, where there is no acknowledgement from others of your grief it can be disenfranchised, and you are left to grieve in complete isolation. Conscious and curious grieving works here too. The same symptoms are likely and the timeline longer than we’ve been led to expect. We need witnessing and support.

Book a free grief breakthrough session