
What journey are you on?

  • Conscious and Curious Grieving

    Are you struggling with grief? Do you wish there was a way to feel more normal while grieving? Do you wonder if you’re doing it “right”? Suzanne’s method of conscious and curious grieving can help you chart the path that is right for you. Each grief is different AND there are similar symptoms and issues that arise as we grieve in a grief phobic culture where people don’t know how to support us or witness our grief.

  • Grief Informed Leadership

    Are you a leader in your business or organization? How do you feel when someone comes to you to tell you about a loss they’ve experienced? What about when it’s a close loved one who has died? As supporters, we don’t know enough about grief, and what grievers need, to be able to provide meaningful, appropriate support. In business that costs us in engagement, retention, and productivity. In our communities it costs us members and participation. With Grief Informed Leadership, we can change all that.

  • The Grief Resilient Workplace

    As of 2023, the cost of hidden grief in the workplace in the US is over $100 Billion annually. Any other problem costing that much would be front of business conversations, training initiatives and policy development. Unfortunately, our taboos and lack of knowledge around grief mean that most workplaces offer a few days off and a referral to the EAP. That’s not close to enough. Want to change that for your business?

“Thank you, Suzanne, for the fantastic Masterclass on grief and its many forms. I learned a tremendous amount of information that I was able to use right away.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.