The Grief Resilient Workplace

Does your company care deeply about its people?

Do you recognize where grief is created because of what happens in the workplace?

Do you have a gap in support around grief that mirrors the gap in our society?

Do you want to stand out as a company providing exceptional support in this critical area?

Suzanne can help you.

In the Grief Resilient Workplace program, Suzanne will work with leaders to create a bespoke response to the grief in your workplace. We will ensure the five key components of a Grief Resilient Workplace Suzanne has identified are present in four powerful steps:

• Workplace Grief Assessment

• Enhance Leadership Compassion

• Grief Skill Building

• Design Ongoing Support

Grief is a devastating experience…

Starting with a Workplace Grief Assessment, we can determine the most pressing needs in your company right now. Studies tell us 1 in 5 people are dealing with grief at any given time. How many people is that in your organization? Likely far more than you thought need this type of support.

What about grief created in the workplace? Let’s find it so that you can deal with it and lower staff burnout and withdrawal.

Leaders have to lead the way with emotional intelligence and compassion to create safe places for grievers to participate in the workplace while grieving. Grievers are there. How you respond and the supports you offer make the difference between rapid reintegration and resignation.

Book a free workplace grief resiliency consult